That great wish for my country.
First and foremost I am a should be proud citizen of Nigeria and trust me the Nigeria that we once knew is going certainly going down due to selfish and corrupt leaders
Before things were okay and normal though that was a long time ago but now inflation is striking us like a thunderstorm ⛈️ and the rate of hunger keeps increasing throughout the nation.
So coming across this amazing contest in this community really captured my interest, so here as I will be submitting my entry and I will be sharing with you all the one wish I would like to make for my country Nigeria.
Above all wishes I would like to wish for a stable and good economy, because just like I'd made mentioned that inflation is striking us like a thunderstorm
And the price of goods and services keeps increasing as time goes by making things difficult for a common man, the situation in Nigeria is very bad till the extent that even the four list currency can't buy anything again in the market and they are 5 naira, 10 naira, 20 naira and 50 naira.
Even biscuits before which was ten naira for one that same biscuits is now 70-100 naira and if that is for just minor biscuits you can imagine other products that are mostly consumed
So the situation here is getting out of hand and that is why I made that wish, which is that I would like to wish for a stable and good economy so that the unbearable life we are facing should be reduced to the minimum.
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